When it comes down to it, man’s entire existence is based two things:
Paradigm, how he sees the world
& values, how he chooses to act in and upon it.
Most men do not walk alone because they don’t believe
that their cause, idea or philosophy is good enough to walk a lonely path with.
As a child, I was extremely social.
I hated doing things alone.
I was afraid of loneliness. I loved being around people
At the same time, I enjoyed certain aspects of it.
I was awkwardly comfortable with silence in the presence of others.
Writing in my journal brought me peace.
Working out in the park early in the morning was solitude.
Meditating through prayer was therapeutic.
As I’ve grown older, I realize why I needed the presence of others so much in my life.
It wasn’t so much that I needed people,
So much as it was not knowing myself.
A man unafraid to walk alone is a man worth following.